Fact Checking Policy

intrendtoday.com is always trying to get best information available over internet and best to our knowledge. We take many steps to ensure credibility of the information by applying our wisdom and due diligence.


We are always trying to give best output for maintaining reputation and trust of our audience. Accuracy is a factor which we always trying to achieve in best possible manner.


Information gathered by us are well sourced based on some evidence. We are honest about things we know or don’t know.


Our writers never try to manipulate data knowingly or unknowingly. We are trying to get data from official or authorized sources only, to avoid spread of misinformation.


Our first intention is always to get best reliable data. However if we realize some corrections later, we used to correct it then and there.


Even we do provide equal opportunity for our viewers to suggest some changes if they feel it to be modified.


Our writers are doing fact checking before writing on that topic/story. intrendtoday.com is having multi level fact checking structure for due diligence. Generally we tried to avoid sensitive contents for betterment of everyone.


Correction Policies:

Errors and corrections are part of our life. We do make some errors unknowingly but we are honest enough to accept and correct them. intrendtoday.com takes responsibilities of errors to avoid them from repeating. We maintain transparency for not spreading any false information.

Readers are always welcome to bring any mistakes/errors/changes to our notice. We will be more then happy to assist them.

Once matter came into our knowledge, we will try to investigate and do the needful. We will even publish about it if necessary.